Friday, February 23, 2007

Where to begin?

Well, i suppose i owe you a story. Let's begin. When i met my former wife, who we shall call "Boo", she was an alcoholic, chain-smoking prostitute. Oh, and about 30 pounds overweight. I thought i saw something else underneath all that - a good person. i realize now i was wrong. A leopard can't change her spots, i suppose. Anyway, all that stuff was clear. what i didn't know, and only came to learn after she nagged me into marrying her, was that she was also a world-class con - working in the past in cahoots with Reed slatkin (now doing time in lompoc federal pen for a $250 million dollar swindle) and Ron Rakow, who did time in prison back in the 80's for run another pyramid scam. Not to mention her last ex-husband "A gordin" (or more properly, the guy she tried to get to marry her for about 8 years, but who was smart enough not to do it) who made millions off the slatkin fraud scandal. But he is immune from our goverment prosecuters - he fled the country and now lives in Rio (Brazil - no extradition) so he can keep the money they stole from all those old, retired people. I also came to learn after marriage that she mainained contact with him after he had fled the country. how do I know this? Because in the course of testifying for one of the many subpoenas she was served during our marriage, when she was asked by the federal investigators when she last talked to old arlo, she told them, and they confirmed that yes, phone records did show when she had talked to him in rio. So, my phone was, essentially, bugged by feds. She was also subpeoned to testify against ron's girl friend denise del bianco, becasue the feds want to know hom come they had $388,000 (in cash!) when the feds served a search warrent on their place in monticido, ca. searching for evidnece in the slatkin fraud case. . I also learned that my former wife had been in regular contact with Ron (or "caddilac ron rakow" as he was known when he toured as a manager w/ the grateful dead) during our marriage, even though i had asked her to try and stay away from all the ex-convicts she was friends with.

Have i piqued your interest yet? I haven't even gotten to her rage problems, her physical violence towards me, her time spent in a mental hospital (involuntarily commited, of course). But i digress.

the first question, you might have, what gives me the right to share all this on the internet? well, let me tell you. For almost the entire year of our marriage, my boo kept a secret, on-line blog, with many readers, judeging by the responses and comments, which shared many personal (and libelous) things about yours truely, as well as a number of lies and accusations. so i feel no guild in sharing this now. Plus, my divorce (and alimony) should be done by summer, asfter which i will never have to let her enter my consciouness again - with any luck.

This is only the tip of the lawsuit, so to speak. Over time, i reveal stuff she did that makes all this look like a church social. It therapy for me!