Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Take 2

Would you like to hear a story? Oh, here's a good one. Once upon a time, last summer, my soon-to-be ex Boo decided that i was sooooo depressed that she was afraid that I woud do harm to myself. Perhaps not an unreasonable thought to have on her part, though it is clear that I am waaaay to selfish to do anything like that. But how would she know? anyway, she decided that I was a clear danger to myself, so what does she do? Does she stay with me to try and console me, or perhaps try to keep an eye on me? No, she decides the best anwser is to immediately leave the vicinity, namely, our apartment. So far, so good. Now, mind you, I'm not an expert in counseling the depressed, despite my B.A. in Experimental Psychology, my M.A. in Psych, and a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology, but it seems to me probably the worst thing you can do with someone you suspect is deeply depressed is to leave them on their own. But, hey, maybe that's just me. I would not have been too disappointed in her if she had just left, but no, she immediately goes out and calls the POLICE, tells them that I am dangerous, and that they need to come to my apartment and protect me from myself. Now, what I have not mentioned is that I have, since childhood, always been around, used and owned firearms. I have always been a collector. She of course shares this with the cops, so when they come to my place, they immediately confisate all my firearms, mind you, some of them are antiques that have never even been fired (at least by me). Some of them I did inherit from my long dead Father, but that matters not. So away they go, after indicating that it was either this, or go away in handcuffs myself. Not wishing to go to jail for being depressed, I gladly surrender them. But the real question is, does someone who loves you call the cops on you for being depressed? I think not. But again, maybe that's just me. Then she is surprised that I am a tad upset, since I saw no need for her to try and provide me with a criminal record. But it all makes perfect sense to her. Maybe i'm wrong here, but would you leave someone alone with a gun collection who you thought was seriously depressed?